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Blocked - School Competition
Marsassoum, Senegal

Project developed in the context of the Archstorming competition for the design of a sustainable school in Senegal. The project aimes at the creation of a school that is built with techniques based on local materials and local know-how, generating spaces and buildings that adapt to the climate of the place, respecting and reflecting the traditions and needs of the local community.

The local manufacturing of a CETA-Ram block press allows the production of a wide range of compressed earth bricks, with which all the buildings on the lot are built making use of three different types of self-locking bricks which reduce time and impact of the construction. 

Clay earth compressed bricks have excellent mechanical and energy performance and with the creation of double masonry the interior spaces are more isolated and adapt better to the local climate. Aware of
the importance that the spaces outside the buildings have in the local culture, a large space for recreation and aggregation is created around the large tree and the empty spaces between the classrooms are vitalised and used to the full, contributing as much as the classrooms to the daily life of the whole school and those who use it.


Surface: 700 square meters total
Budget: 80'000 €




Concept Idea

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Certified ISO 14001

nr 50 100 17428

for the Environmental Management System

in compliance with the requirements of

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015


Certificate valid for the scope of : Eco-sustainable design and development of innovative building materials using bioclimatic construction techniques through analysis of environmental impact and energy efficiency (IAF 34)


"Chiwarà represents a spirit half man half antelope, a skilled earthworker with magical powers that enabled him to transform matter. Not at all jealous of his knowledge he passed on his art to the people..."

Chiwarà Project Srl Società Benefit

Via Zanibelli 22, 42124, Reggio Emilia, (IT)

Fiscal Code and VAT number - 02993910351

REA number - RE331038

Registration date - 20.12.2022

Legal Representative - Ing. Mattia Bertolini

Share Capital - 3'250€

Detailed information at Registro

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