In partnership with Association la Voûte Nubienne, Chiwarà is engaged in triggering the emergence of a socially and environmentally sustainable construction market in the Sahel. The goal of the project, founded by the EGIS Foundation, is to support the collaboration between masons specialized in the NV technique and technicians.These figures together can boost the developpment of the technique, formalizing the NV market and satisfying the request of the Senegalese eco construction market.
The Nubian Vault (NV) technical concept is an ancestral architectural process that uses neither wood, which has become rare, nor sheet metal, which is expensive and uncomfortable. Mainly made of raw earth, a widely available material, the Nubian Vault is an adapted housing solution even in urban areas.
The program aims at formalizing this sustainable construction concept applying it to middle-class housing projects that will serve as exemples for the diffusion of a sustainable construction sector in Senegal.