Our projects are developed with in-country partners to share knowledge, and to ensure our proposals are appropriate to the local cultural and societal context
Designing with a social purpose is rewarding and challenging in equal measure. Our approach is sensitive and careful.
We pay close attention to the vernacular traditions that create a distinct sense of place and combine attention to detail with the same professionalism to community development. What happens next can be truly inspiring. We learn about the materials readily available in the local market, keeping cost and future maintenance clear in on our minds. We meet with the local community to identify skilled builders as well as capable unskilled men and women.
We apply bioclimatic design principles to ensure the best interior comfort and lower the energetic demand of buildings. Above all, we aim to creating a sense of communal ownership in our projects, focusing on capturing the needs and aspirations of each community we’re working with before producing our first sketches. After the whole designing process we collaborate with in-country partners to understand the most effective way to build it.
We aim for buildings that have a local architectural language, that are comfortable and respectful of the environment.
Every project is a unique challenge, a new challenge where we share our vision and our own reward is the experience we get from local people and different cultures.
with local partners to better understand the problems that need to be solved and come up with solutions.
unique design proposals from the challenges and opportunities we find in the local context.
the preferences of local communities into the project and shape our proposals to enhance the sense of ownership.
the construction from conception to the end, supported by on-site local supervisors.
building components from local raw materials, preventing massive importations and using construction as a tool for economic empowerment.