We believe that constant research and development of materials, construction techniques and technologies is fundamental in order to support design, construction and training activities and to be able to experiment innovative and more sustainable solutions, exploiting and deepening the resources and knowledge locally available.
Research on materials aims to reduce CO2 emissions, with an emphasis on the development of local economies and the creation of specific knowledge to express the maximum potential of locally available resources. In our activities we aim to constantly involve local communities in order to ensure buildings and activities that fully reflect the identity of the place and achieve full social acceptance. For this reason we are constantly dedicated to deepening the construction techniques used in the areas where we intervene, so as to unite vernacular and contemporary and guarantee a high level of innovation in all conditions. Through the integration of innovative technologies and the use of local materials we aim to create a system that can be reproduced in every reality, with the view of creating circular production processes that can guarantee the creation of unconventional jobs.